Hopkins Humanities Collaboratory Faculty Outreach Program

bgeorgePrograms and Institutes

Apply now through February 15, 2022
Program dates: June 1–August 6, 2022

Download the program flyer here


The Humanities Collaboratory Faculty Outreach Program is for visiting faculty and/or director-level staff from any colleges and universities nationally. Each faculty/staff member can submit an application where they will nominate one graduate student from their institution to travel with them to Johns Hopkins for this residential and fully immersed training program. Your two-person team will gain hands-on training in the new pedagogical model for humanities summer research, observe the Humanities Collaboratory, participate in webinars and info sessions both pre- and post-program, and have hands-on support from post-Collaboratory mentoring to program design as you launch similar programs at your institutions.

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CPCT Research Seminar 2021-22: What is Global Critical Theory?


Time: Wednesdays, 4:00-6:00 pm (BST)
Venue: Online
[Zoom registration link: https://gold-ac-uk.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_t5RX4pGtQEiGxD9VthSSGg]

Autumn: 13, 27 October; 10, 24 November; 8 December 2021
Spring: 26 January; 9, 23 February; 9, 23 March 2022
Summer: 27 April; 11, 25 May; 8 June 2022

CPCT’s annual research seminar meets on a bi-weekly basis and is open to centre members, graduate affiliates, and other interested staff and students. It aims to serve as a forum for philosophical work and dialogue at Goldsmiths.

… This seminar seeks to begin to pose the problem of a ‘global critical theory’ by undertaking a series of soundings of conceptual debates emerging in different locales and conjunctures that foreground the non-Western genesis of crucial problems of contemporary critical theory, as well as the situated problematisation of the forms of historical difference and unevenness that mark the travels of critical theory…

For a detailed session plan including further readings and links to texts, please visit https://cpct.uk/2021-2022/.

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Said’s Palestine


Tuesday, June 1 at 12:00 PM PST
Online, Register Here

On Tuesday, June 1 at 12:00 PM PST, UCHRI will host a conversation on Said’s Palestine with Nadia Abu El-Haj (Barnard College and Columbia University), Esmat Elhalaby (UC Davis), Saree Makdisi (UC Los Angeles), Nadera Shalhoub-Kervorkian (Hebrew University), and Judith Butler (UC Berkeley).

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The New School ICSI Distinguished Public Lectures with Dipesh Chakrabarty, Hortense Spillers, and Noam Chomsky


The New School, Institute for Critical Social Inquiry
Distinguished Public Lecture Series featuring Dipesh Chakrabarty (in conversation with Jay Bernstein), Hortense Spillers (in conversation with Patricia J. Williams), and Noam Chomsky (in conversation with Nancy Fraser)
June 8-10, 2021
All lectures will begin at 6pm EST
Online via Zoom, register here
Please note that registration is limited and you may be placed on a waitlist

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New Developments in Post-Foundational Political Thought: Democratic Politics after COVID


Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics
School of Humanities and Social Science
University of Brighton

Wednesday 5th of May 13.30 – 19.30 UK Time
With Oliver Marchart, Clare Woodford, Luciana Cadahia, German Primera,
Paula Biglieri, and Mark Devenney

If you would like to participate please email Ian Sinclair: i.a.sinclair@brighton.ac.uk well in advance of Wednesday 5th to be set up on the Microsoft Team used for the event.

This workshop brings together colleagues from around the world to debate their recent contributions to post-foundational political thought…

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ICCTP Statement Opposing the Attack on Critical Theories by French Government Officials

bgeorgeICCTP Statements

The International Consortium of Critical Theory Programs (ICCTP) condemns the recent efforts of the French minister of higher education, Frédérique Vidal, to discredit critical theories under the spurious rubric of “Islamo-gauchisme.” Her inflammatory caricature was presented before the National Assembly on February 16, 2021 when she called for a persecutory investigation into research areas such as postcolonial, decolonial, and gender and critical race studies. We find this proposal to be a dangerous and unacceptable violation of academic freedom. Disparaging entire academic fields as “divisive” and “gangrenous” falsifies these diverse fields and impedes the free circulation of knowledge. The term “Islamo-leftism” …

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