New Developments in Post-Foundational Political Thought: Democratic Politics after COVID


Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics
School of Humanities and Social Science
University of Brighton

New Developments in Post-Foundational Political Thought: Democratic Politics after COVID
Wednesday 5th of May 13.30 – 19.30 UK Time
With Oliver Marchart, Clare Woodford, Luciana Cadahia, German Primera,
Paula Biglieri, and Mark Devenney

If you would like to participate please email Ian Sinclair: well in advance of Wednesday 5th to be set up on the Microsoft Team used for the event.

This workshop brings together colleagues from around the world to debate their recent contributions to post-foundational political thought. Each book will be introduced by the authors for 20 minutes followed by an initial set of questions from another participant. Authors will address two questions in their interventions: first, their approach to political ontology, and second the implications of this for their thinking of the political. We welcome colleagues from around the world to participate in these discussions.

13.30: German PrimeraThe Political Ontology of Giorgio Agamben
14.45: Clare WoodfordTowards a Feminist Ethics of Nonviolence/Disorienting Democracy
16.00: Oliver MarchartThinking Antagonism
17.15: Mark DevenneyTowards an Improper Politics
18.30: Paula Biglieri and Luciana CadahiaSeven Essays on Populism

Links to Books: