Conversation on Spheres of Insurrection: Notes on Decolonizing the Unconscious
Suely Rolnik (Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo), Ramsey McGlazer (UC Berkeley), and Raluca Soreanu (University of Essex), moderated by Natalia Brizuela (UC Berkeley).
Join the International Consortium of Critical Theory Programs for a virtual event in a series of interventions organized by the Critical South book series.
Spheres of Insurrection: Notes on Decolonizing the Unconscious by Suely Rolnik, a conversation with Suely Rolnik (Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo), Ramsey McGlazer (UC Berkeley), and Raluca Soreanu (University of Essex), moderated by Natalia Brizuela (UC Berkeley).
As the globalized regime of neoliberal capitalism consolidates its grip on the world, it refines the micropolitics proper to the capitalist system and makes it more perverse. This micropolitics involves the appropriation – what Suely Rolnik calls the “pimping” – of life, as it turns the life drive itself away from creation and cooperation and towards the deadening, destructive practice necessary for capital accumulation. This dynamic is the engine of what Rolnik calls the colonial-capitalistic unconscious regime. She also identifies the conditions necessary to fight against this regime – namely, a reappropriation of the life drive, the energetic basis at the heart of all life forms, human life included, and the principal source of extraction for capitalism.
Drawing on examples from across the Americas, including Brazil and the United States, Rolnik examines the circumstances that have given rise to regressive, reactionary governments throughout the world. These circumstances include, at the macro level, an alliance between neoliberalism and extreme conservatism and, at the micro level, a crisis of the hegemonic subject in the face of the emergent empowerment of marginalized communities that practice other modes of subjectivation.
This crucial book by one of the most prominent intellectuals in Latin America today will be of great value to anyone interested in contemporary politics and social struggles.
Critical South, a book series of the International Consortium of Critical Theory Programs published by Polity, aims to galvanize cross-regional conversations and expand the spatial-temporal, linguistic sense of contemporary critical theory. The series publishes texts from important traditions in critical thought emerging from the southern hemisphere that have generally not entered into discussions of critical theory in English, translating works that redefine the global scope and foci of critical thought for the present.
For more information, contact icctpbooks@berkeley.edu.
Presented by the International Consortium of Critical Theory Programs, with support from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the Vice Chancellor for Research at the University of California, Berkeley.
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