NATQ: An Audiovisual Lecture on Impossible Speech
Lawrence Abu Hamdan, International Sound Artist and Professional Audio Investigator
The International Consortium of Critical Theory Programs is proud to cosponsor the upcoming event “NATQ: An Audiovisual Lecture on Impossible Speech,” the inaugural event of the University of California, Berkeley Rhetoric Department 2021–2022 Colloquia Series.
Lawrence Abu Hamdan is an international sound artist and professional audio investigator based in Beirut. His broad body of work extends beyond the field of art to activism, filmmaking, and scientific research, through which he examines the aesthetics of sound and the interconnection of power, listening, and truth.
Please watch Once Removed (2019) in advance of the lecture.
Lecture will be followed by discussion and Q&A.
Download the event flyer here.
Presented by the University of California, Berkeley Rhetoric Department and cosponsored by the International Consortium of Critical Theory Programs, with support from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the Vice Chancellor for Research.
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