The Racial Event
Denise Ferreira da Silva, University of British Columbia
The International Consortium of Critical Theory Programs is proud to cosponsor “The Racial Event,” part of the Berkeley Center for Latin American Studies series “New Vocabularies, New Grammars: Imagining Other Worlds.”
The series “New Vocabularies, New Grammars: Imagining Other Worlds” focuses on critics and intellectuals who in their writing and thinking undo the divisions and separations between disciplines and genres, as well as divisions between political action and intellectual engagement. In this practice of border/crossing, new languages and grammars can be imagined to signify other worlds to resist and oppose the imposed violence of colonial epistemes. These scholars, critics, and political actors offer the dynamism of indeterminacy, inviting practices that bring together words and worlds.
In the second event in this series, Denise Ferreira da Silva will speak in conversation with CLAS Chair Natalia Brizuela and Ph.D. student Nejat Kedir. Dr. Ferreira da Silva is an academic and a practicing artist whose work addresses the ethico-political challenges of the global present.
Natalia Brizuela is the Class of 1930 Chair of the Center for Latin American Studies, and Professor of Film & Media and Spanish & Portuguese at UC Berkeley, with affiliations in the Gender and Women’s Studies and the Program in Critical Theory.
Denise Ferreira da Silva is Professor and Director of The Social Justice Institute at the University of British Columbia; Senior Faculty Fellow at St. John’s College. Dr. Ferreira da Silva is also an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Fine Arts at Monash University; an editor at Living Commons Press, and a member of several boards, including Haus de Kulturen de Welt (Berlin), International Consortium of Critical Theory Programs, and the journals Postmodern Culture, Social Identities, and Dark Matter.
Nejat Kedir is a Ph.D. student in African American and African Diaspora Studies at UC Berkeley. She is interested in 19th century Black diasporic literature and philosophy.
Download the flyer here.
Presented by the Berkeley Center for Latin American Studies and cosponsored by the Rhetoric Department and the International Consortium of Critical Theory Programs, with support from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the Vice Chancellor for Research.
For more information, contact: janetwaggaman@berkeley.edu
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