Les Ateliers de la Pensée #4: Bond Cosmologies and Forms of Life
The International Consortium of Critical Theory Programs is proud to cosponsor the 4th Edition of Les Ateliers de la Pensée on “Bond Cosmologies and Forms of Life.” Organized by Felwine Sarr and Achille Mbembe in Dakar, Senegal since 2016, the Ateliers de la Pensée is a platform that brings together thinkers and artists from different parts of the world to reflect on the urgent issues of our time. Each year, Anteliers organizes four days of round tables, panels, and artistic performances related to a theme. Starting from the idea of the unity of the living, “Bond Cosmologies and Forms of Life” reflects on relational ontologies by going beyond the categories of human and non-human and questioning the forms of economic, political and social life that could emerge from these cosmologies.
Download the program here.
All panels will be livestreamed at https://www.facebook.com/lesateliersdelapensee/
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