
A World Beyond the Colonial Epistemology: Writing with Engagement

Civilizing through Food: French Fantasies about Gastronomy and the “Muslim Diet”

Rebranding the Human: On Wynter’s Custodial "Poiesis" with Axelle Karera

The Racial Event

Orogenies and Sound Waves: Beyond Black Ecologies of Mastery

Image credit: Tiffany King.

Race, Nature, and Naturalization in Film

Jumana Manna, Video still from Wild Relatives, 2018. Photo: Marte Vold. Courtesy the artist.

Archivists, Plumbers, and Foragers

Jumana Manna, Bread Series, 2021. Ceramics, galvanized steel. Courtesy the artist.

‘Nonpolitical Distinctions’: A Phrase from Marx Revisited with Rei Terada

Escrituras geológicas: Desedimentación y huella en algunas autoras contemporáneas (Geological Writings: De-sedimentation and Trace in Some Contemporary Authors)

NATQ: An Audiovisual Lecture on Impossible Speech

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